Night of the Moonjellies (Simon & Schuster 1992) is a children's picture book written and illustrated by Mark Shasha.
The book was inspired by the author's memories of working at his grandmother's hot dog stand by the sea in New London, Connecticut in the 1970s. It features the warm relationship between the main character, a boy of 7 years old, and his grandmother, along with the hustle and bustle of the busy day at the hot dog stand.
Night of the Moonjellies also features a small, jelly-like creature found in the North Atlantic called a moonjelly. Also commonly known as a comb jelly this animal is capable of bioluminescence. Its scientific name is ctenophore (pronounced 'tee-ne-for').
The book won a Marion Vannett Ridgway Award, is featured in educational programs worldwide and has been reprinted in several editions.
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